We welcome you just as you are. You are just right for God.
We welcome you just as you are. You are just right for God.
We believe that it is our duty to oversee and manage every aspect of the Ministry that God has called us into, to make sure that everything runs according to the Vision that God has placed in our hearts. This is the reason the First lady of the Church Oversees this Ministry. Also to build up women's who are coming in to the Ministry so that they may be able to build another woman up in their faith, and continue disciplining other women and young ladies.
Our Women's Ministry Director, Pharina, helps coordinate services and activities for all women to fellowship, grow and deepen our faith walk with the Lord together. She loves relationship building, quality time and helping others succeed in who God has called each person to become.
Connect with her at the following:
Meet our Women's Ministry Secretary, A.P. Dacia, her role is to make sure that the Women's Ministry journey and activities are documented. It is important that the secretary records every meeting, every new members, every hospital visitations etc... just to keep all the records of the Ministry. The Secretary and the treasure of the Women's Ministry works together with the Director and the Overseer of the Ministry for a smooth operation of the Ministry.
The Women's Ministry treasure plays a big part in this ministry. This is the only Ministry in our Church that funds their own activities through their own donations. They have agreed on their own to have their own account so that they could help out the Church in other needs, and also fund their own outings and fun times when they choose to. This is where the treasure comes in, to make sure she works together with the secretary to keep track of how they spend the funds for they are all donations into their Ministry.
Our focus and goal for this ministry is to be able to connect with all women who enters our facility and be able to build relationship with them through the love of Christ. We strive and endure to build all women to be stronger in faith in the Lord and become a soldier of the Cross, to take the gospel to the world.
In order to accomplish the Goal and to fulfill the purpose for the women's ministry, we have set up a gathering for women who are joined in the women's ministry, to come together monthly, the purpose of this gathering is to build relationships with each other and to build each other up in the Word of God. The only way a ministry can stand strong is when the people that are involved in it are strong and grounded in love, and that is not built in one day, it is a lifetime, so that is the reason women are encouraged to come together in our ministry.
Women have a church service once a year a month. The Overseer or Women’s Director of the women's ministry will assign one of the women in the ministry or a special speaker to speak the Word of God. All the women that are committed and involved in this ministry will have a chance to speak the Word of God and encourage all the Women. There are many times we hear the Word when somebody else speaks, but I believe we are all called to take the word to the world, and I believe the only way for someone to gain confidence, is hands on, that is why we give all the women the opportunity to speak.
There are many ministry that do not use women, they even forbid women from speaking in churches. In our ministry we believe that God is the same yesterday, today and forever, if he used women in the past to fulfill His purpose in the past, then He is still using them today. Women plays a huge part in our ministry, they have the gift of life, they were created to give life and birth out life, and nurtured life, so if they are build right in the Kingdom of God, they will become a huge asset in the Kingdom.
In this ministry, we encourage all women to get involved in this ministry, every one has their own understanding and agenda about everything and anything, but the heart of the ministry is for all women's to become one in the Lord and to be able to operate under one vision from God, which is the Church vision, "Love God" "Love People". When we are able to adopt that Vision, then everyone will be able to work together.
Will be held once a month after our Women’s services. (Refer to monthly calendar for dates)
To all the women of all ages, we welcome you all, I want you to know that you belong, no matter what anyone said or did to you in the past, God welcomes you, the door to this ministry of women from all over the globe is open to you. Be blessed...
If you have any questions regarding to the Women’s Ministry, please feel free to contact the Overseer at 360 567-9637.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.