We welcome you just as you are. You are just right for God.
We welcome you just as you are. You are just right for God.
Pastor Dr Manase Faualo
Thomas Williams
Misilei Sosene
It is the goal and focus of this ministry to be able to connect all men of all ages that comes to our Church. We are people from all walks of life with different cultures and backgrounds, but if we can find a common ground in Christ Jesus and understand that no man lives to themselves no man dies to themselves as the bible says, we will be able to connect. So we make it our goal to invite all the men into our gatherings every week and build relationships with one another. Every strong relationship and foundation that you see today was not build in one day, this is the reason we endure to make sure that we are connected with one another in Christ and build upon that foundation to be able to be strengthen daily.
Our Men's Ministry come together every 3rd Saturday morning of the month for encouragement, Bible Sharing and Discipleship. The purpose of this gathering is to strengthen one another in the Word and also build relationship with one another. We believe that we all need encouragement and be able to hold each other accountable.
We believe that it takes time to build relationships and each other. This fellowship on Saturdays are open to any man who wants to join us.
Every man according to the bible is the head of the house, and we believe that the enemy is working overtime trying to take out the head of every house in every home in whatever ways, shapes or forms that he is using, because if he can take out the head, then the whole body will not function right, so therefore we encourage all men that you belong to the Lord, you belong to the family of believers and we want to make sure that all the men's of our ministry are connected so we can be build together. It is together that we are stronger to accomplish whatever God lays in our hearts. No matter what your background is or your ethnicity, you belong to the family of God. Let us work together.
If you want to be a part of this great movement of believers in the Men's Ministry, please let the Pastor or the Men's Ministry Director of your desire, we would love to have you and get to build together with you. God Bless!
If you have any questions in regards to the Men's Ministry, please free to contact the Senior Pastor at 360 567-9682
We believe it is very critical for our growth spiritually to learn the Word of God and disciple others as for what our great co-mission is that our Lord has given to us.
A great time with other men who visited our Ministry. It was a great time with the Lord's Word and all of the men that showed up.
It was a blessed Sunday together with Pastor Curtis Kimbrough from Unity Church and Pastor Tony Wells from Victory Church.