We welcome you just as you are. You are just right for God.
We welcome you just as you are. You are just right for God.
John 13:34 - “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”
The bible states that we should love God with all of our Hearts, with all of our souls, and with all of our might: Deut 6:5 and if we love God, then the love for people is simple.
God has called us “The Church” to love one another as he has loved us showing people his Love that is in us, not our love but the love of Jesus, because our kind of love always failed, but the Love of the Lord is unconditional and it will never fail you (John 3:16-17; Rom 5:8).
The bible states that if we speak in the tongues of Angels and men and have not love, we are only a resounding gong or a clanging simple: (1 Cor 13:1)
We as the Church need to speak and live according to the vision that God has given to this Church to run by, Otherwise no one will believe the Truth about the Gospel: (1 Cor 13:1-9)
Jesus was always about reaching out touching somebody’s life in a special way. He fed the hunger, healed the sick, raised the dead, frees the captives and did the ultimate sacrifice and that is dying on the cross to pay for our ransom. That is the kind of love we need to live by and show to the world. (Matt; Mark; Luke; John
Living Water Pentecostal Church is a congregation of believers, whose purpose is to know God through a personal relationship with Him through our Lord Jesus Christ. Our mission is threefold: First is to produce, second is to mobilize, and the third is to support. We endeavor to make and equip fellow believers of Jesus Christ through studying God’s Word, discipleship and encouraging fellowship to produce anointed men and women for the work of God. We want to make Jesus known to the world and to show love to everyone through our lives. Jesus did not come to condemn the world but to save the world through Him. God’s grace is sufficient for us all.
1. To Produce: Matt 28:19-20; Eph 4:11-13 2.
2. To Mobilize: Acts 1:8; Mark 16:15 3.
3. To Support: 1 Cor 16:15-18
1.) To Produce Annointed Men and Women of God
A. Moses produced Joshua: Duet 34:9
B. Elijah Produced Elisha: 1 Kings 2:13-15
C. Jesus Produced the Twelve: John 17:18
D. Paul Produced Timothy: 1 Tim 1:2; 2 Tim 1:6.
God speaking through Jeremaiah said: “Before I formed you in the belly, I knew you; and before you came out of the womb I anointed you, and I appointed you a Prophet to the Nations”: (Jeremaiah 1:5)
2.) To Mobilize them to lead a lost and dying generation back to the Father
God is calling out to his Church to arise from its slumber and step into their rightful place of service: (Eph 5:14)
Luke 4:18-19
A. To Preach the Gospel to the Poor
B. To Heal the Brokenhearted
C. To Preach deliverance to the captives
D. To give sight to the blind
E. To set liberty to those that are bruised
F. To Preach the acceptable year of the Lord
I. After Jesus equipped His disciples, He mobilized them to save the Lost. (Matt 10:1-9)
II. The Samaritan woman after hearing the Gospel led her whole city to Christ. (John 4:39-42)
3.) To Support them so they can be fresh and alert for the Battle, Gal 6:10
We are to support in:
A. Prayer (Eph 6:18)
B. By carrying one another’s burden (Gal 6:2)
C. With our time and finances (Acts 2:44-47)
D. Encouragement (1Thess 5:11)