We welcome you just as you are. You are just right for God.
Cell - 360 567-9682
You've searched long enough, WELCOME HOME.
We are a ministry of believers, not perfect in performance, but redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ.
We welcome you just as you are. You are just right for God.
Cell - 360 567-9682
We are a ministry of believers, not perfect in performance, but redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ.
Sunday's @ 2:00PM
5045 E 18th St Vancouver, WA. 98661
We would like to take this time to thank you for considering the Living Water Pentecostal Church as your place of worship. We are so grateful to God that you have come to find our Church Ministry as a place where you feel accepted, loved and comfortable to Worship God and committing yourself to be a part of the Body of Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 12: There are many members, yet one body. There are many of us, yet one. One body, mind and one spirit.
Acts 10: God shows no partiality. We are called to love one another as God loved us, no matter who you are or background. We are called to love you and receive you as you are just as our Lord Jesus loved us.
Ephesians 2: He has broken down the dividing wall that is the hostility between us. There will be no separation between us who are in Christ, for in Christ, we are made one.
We would also like to welcome those who are still looking for a home church where you can worship and honor God freely. Every Church is not perfect in our eyes, there may be things in this ministry that will not sit well with you, but one thing I know about God, He welcomes us just as we are, we make mistakes, we fall short of His glory, but he continues to love us and train us to become what He has made us to be. Jesus came for the sinners and the unrighteous, to redeem them and to bring them home. We welcome you and we hope to serve together and be build together with you. God Bless.
Love God and Love people.
It is our main focus to live and show people the love of Christ.
Pastor Dr Manase and Esther Faualo. Answering God's call.
We have a pastoral team who are here ready and prepared to serve your needs.
We Pray, We Practice, We Worship together to bring honor to Our Heavenly Father.
Every young person from all walks of life is welcome to this ministry. We are called to build the next generation. Let us build together.
All women's of all ages and nationalities and backgrounds are welcome to this ministry.
All Men from all walks of life are welcome to this ministry. As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. Prov 27:17
Go therefore and make disciples of all Nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Our Outreach Ministry is led by our amazing Head Deacon and Head Deaconess, Misilei Sosene and Dacia Sosene. Such amazing servers who want to serve God by making themselves available to serving others, along with their phenomenal team and volunteers.
We have a bus Ministry ready and willing to pick you up and drop you off to our services. It is free of charge and is provided to pick you up and drop you off if you do not have a transportation. More information can be found on the page.
It is our goal and focus as a Church, to intentionally make the time to gather together as one and worship together. It is essential to the growth of every believer, to be fed spiritually and to have a place of fellowship at a place where all can be grounded and grow. We can ensure that we have a place to gather together to worship and have fellowship with one another. The Body of Christ is a family of believers with one goal in mind, and that is to bring honor to our heavenly Father, by loving one another and serving each other. The bible says do not forsake the gathering of the saints. We cannot always be strong on our own, therefore; we need each other.
For all services and ministry activities, please refer to our Monthly calendar as schedules are subject to change.
Worship Service: 2:00pm - 4pm
Bible Study: 6pm - 7pm
Facebook Live: www.facebook.com/livingwaterpc
In person studies are located inside the student portable, would love for you to join us!
5045 E 18th Street Vancouver WA, 98661
Saturday Mornings
Prayer Line: 6am - 7am
Phone line: (425) 436 - 6326
App: FCC Conference Call (Access code: 157053)
Once a Month
Bible Study/Activity: 6pm - 8pm
Once a Month
Bible Study/Activity: 6pm - 8pm
Third Saturday Monthly
Bible Sharing/Discipleship: 10am - 12pm
Thursday’s: 6pm - 8pm
Your prayer support and contributions financially will enable us to meet our goals and fulfill the vision that God has given for our Ministry. We Thank You in advance and May God's Blessings upon you and your Family.
We would love to gather together with you!
(See monthly calendar)
5045 East 18th Street, Vancouver, Washington 98661, United States
Dr. Pastor Manase Faualo- (360) 567-9682 First Lady Esther Faualo- (360) 567-9637 Email - lwpc@livingwaterpc.org
Open today | 12:00 pm – 05:00 pm |
We will always be available by Phone or email, contact us, you can leave us a message and we will get right back to you.